The Right Partnership Agreement

Overcoming the Difficulties of Time

If one builds it, it takes time. With maximum effort you may get it done or you may lay only a foundation. The question is how to; actually can you and how to move time to your favor? The answer simply is yes, yes, and agreement.

Yes you can, time can be bent in your favor. Saying yes is how you accomplish it. The decision is based on agreement or partnership.  You’ve heard partnering with the invisible to accomplish the impossible. You may have heard finding common ground to pursue/ accomplish common purpose. The reality is all things are subject to the power of agreement for change you simply need to identify the right partner to accomplish what it is you’re trying to do.

Are you looking to change a life, lifestyle? Do you want a better job situation? Are you trying to understand, connect with God- find some spirituality? The answer is simple

  1. Identify the source
  2. Find the agreement
  3. And choose to cooperate, partner

It is that simple and truly the most effective way to see the power to shape time in action. If one can get it done it two days, two may get it done in one day. Biblically even supernaturally speaking (Leviticus 26:8 | Deuteronomy 32:30), one can chase a thousand – two, ten thousand; to pursue and overcome as long as you’re willing to go in it – at it together. The power of agreement, partnering, removes the boundary of time even the fear of can I will I see this to accomplishment.  Your answer is…

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