
meeting-room-2-1232515-639x426CN Life is a developing corporation, a community of believers, who fellowship and work with a singular vision. We are here to help you see life (CN Life). A ministry first, as a corporate entity, we are dedicated to the recovery, emergence, education of God’s people – equipping them in His vision for life in this life today.

Our purpose is unveiling; demystifying the mystery of living for Christ and seeding the fruit of His Spirit in everyday being. CN Life, the ministry, is built on a simple concept – God is.

He is the creator. The master craftsman,
We are His workers, the workmanship, called into the vineyard.
He is the first seed, the true seed.
He is life and without Him does not anything exist that we see.
The Light that called to the light, come out of the darkness, and the darkness withstood Him not.
By His power, His grace, we live and worship. We give thanks unto God, who allows us this benefit. We stand as a testament of the power of The Living God, His Word, whose mercy endures forever.
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!

To our brothers and sisters in search of a connection with value far exceeding your wildest calculations, We invite you to explore all that’s available to you. From an education and growing knowledge perspective to developing practice and expanding the influence in your reach; We, The CN Life Foundation are here to let you know The Every Day God is Real!